Sunday, April 20, 2008

Time For World To Bail On China and Their Junk Products?

Setting aside the China Olympic's of Shame, the shambled Torch Relay that is an embarrassment to both China and the IOC, ignoring the government of China's hostile abuse of the people of Tibet has the time come for the world to bail on this Iran like insecure bully and their cheap, poorly made products? No one can argue that China's coming out party has been a horrid public relations disaster, the upcoming Olympic's in Beijing permanently and forever soiled because of China's antics, a spoiled child angry at not getting their way. How many of us are rooting for someone, anyone to extinquish the flame, are hoping something huge happens in Canberra to bring more attention to the plight of the Tibetan people? Yes, because of their antics, their hostile Nationalism, we want China to fail, to fall flat on their face as they try to present themselves to the world. However, setting all that aside, is it time for the financial markets and world nations to bail on China and their plan to open up to the world?

1. Perhaps through stupidity, China does not play fair with the rest of the world. They believe it is their right, their destiny to dictate the terms by which they will interact with everyone else, believe it is their right to manipulate their currency to benefit only themselves, believe it is their right to dump products on the world market at a time and place of their might work for them and their communist government, but it is not really working for everyone else.

2. China cannot support its own population base, is dependent on the world to feed its what cost, and does this reality contribute to their massive funding of their military machine?

3. The China Stock market is imploding. There are reasons for this, including the fact that China has again stacked the deck in their nation's short, it is a MOCK CAPILISM. There was money to made in betting the market, but it seems to many of those investments have no real chance of providing a real financial return to out of country investors.

The Flame of Shame Relay, the bristling Nationalism that is sprining up should be warning signs that the time has come for the rest of the world to shun China until they can get their act together. No investments in their market, no investments in their infrastructure projects, and ceasing of trade with China until they are willing to level the playing field, are willing to play by international rules rather than thinking they have the right to rewrite the rules to suit their own needs and National Insterests.

China Stocks, Once Frothy, Fall by Half in Six Month

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From the Wall Street Journal, reported by James T. Areddy in Shanghai and Craig Karmin in New York: The sharp decline in Chinese stocks is approaching a milestone: With a 4% drop Friday, the market has fallen by nearly half since its peak last fall. The decline has wiped out nearly $2.5 trillion of wealth and [...] Read more » (Is your investment in the Chinese Stock Market really wise? Is it time to BAIL?)

China’s Growing Thirst for Milk Hits Global Market

From NPR’s Weekend Edition Saturday:

“I have a dream,” Prime Minister Wen Jiabao of China once said. But his dream wasn’t about civil rights for all or racial harmony. It was about a future where every Chinese child would have enough milk to drink — a half-liter a day for each child, to be exact.

Wen’s vision has given rise to a gigantic new market of milk drinkers in China, even as the demand there and in other developing nations has driven up prices worldwide.

In the United States, for example, a gallon of milk now costs about the same as a gallon of gasoline. And in China, some shoppers say they’ll have to cut back if the government doesn’t subsidize milk. (Let's keep our milk, let China raise its own dairy herds.)

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